Thursday, March 18, 2010


The "Smart BackPack" prototype was done last night. Pictures as shown below....:-)
The system was retested just now and it work as per flowchart..

Presentation will start at 10.00 am.very sooonn....

Monday, March 15, 2010


Venue: Mechatronics Development Lab
Date: 15 March 2010

We still in the progress of integrating the the whole system. The flowchart of our system as shown below. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

latest update

Veneu: Mechatronics Workshop
Meeting Date: MidSem Break (27/1-29/1), Every Friday

It is quite a long time we did not update the blog.
A lot of things happen during those period.....:-(
Hmm..after the mid semester break, meeting was done every Friday to identify the embodiment design which consist of detailed of drawing and bill of materials.

Bill of material;
  1. Basic stamp Microcontroller
  2. RFID Parallax Module
  3. LCD 2x16 Parallel LCD
  4. Buzzer
  5. Accelerometer
  6. Battery 9V
  7. PCB
  8. Resistor (various value)
  9. Potentiometer 
Detailed of drawing as per below;

Every main system such as;
  1. LCD display
  2. Accelerometer
  3. RFID Reader Module and TAG

have been program and work well as an individual. 
But we are facing problem to integrate the accelerometer with overall system. It still does not work until today!!!
At the same time, the RFID Reader Module intermittently gave an error which add headache....huh..

Will try our best to make the system work.....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

geNerate proGress Report and HouSe of QualitY

Date & Time: 19 Jan 2010 & 11.15am - 1.15pm
Venue: Official Engineering Cafeteria 
  1. Progress Report  
  2. House of Quality.
We chose to discuss on the house of quality later as some of the elements inside it is not clarify yet. At the same time, we generate the progress report for Thursday submission. After gone through a discussion we manage to understand about this House of Quality Smart Backpack. It is shown as below;

The progess report still under developement..he he.. We postponed our meeting to Wednesday.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

fheew, a lot have been done for today!

Date & Time: 17 Jan 2010 & 9.00-4.00pm
Venue: PG Lounge, Level 3 Library
  1. Specification Breakdown list
  2. List of Metrics
  3. Needs-Metrics Matrix
  4. Problem Decomposition
  5. Functional Decomposition
  6. Classfication Tree
  7. Concept Combination Table
  8. Pugh's Method
  9. Modified Pugh's Method
All listed above was discussed. Before came up with Needs- Metrics Matrix, we need to have a specification break down list and list of Metrics. The final Needs- Metrics Matrix for our Smart Backpack as shown below;

Then the Problem Decomposition was identified. Then functional Decomposition was derived. The functional decomposition as shown below;

From this Problem decomposition, we chose to create the Functional Decomposition of our sub-system as below;


From that ,we  generated our classification tree as shown below;


By referring to the info above, we came up with the Concept Combination Table. In this table, we drew out the possibilities components to be used in our system. The table as below;

From the table we drew out the alternaives for our subsystem that is;

In order to make a concept selection, we used Pugh's Method to identify the advantages and drawback  of each alternatives available by comparing among them. Then from there, we apply Modified Pugh's Method to choose the best subsystem that we would like to employ in our system soon. The SmartBackpack Modified Pugh's Method as shown below;


Our evaluation shows that Alternatives 1 would be the most appropriate option. Thus, our Concept selection would be Alternative 1.

We Postponed our meeting to Tuesday afternoon. TQ 

Saturday, January 16, 2010

ooOOOoo Objective tree

ate & Time: 14 Jan 2010 & 9.00-10.45 pm
Venue: Library
Agenda: Objective tree

again another brain storming (??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) session was done. Below is the outcome..fuhhh............

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Gathering raw data

Date & Time: 12 January 2009 & 11.30- 1.00 pm
Venue: Reseach Room E2

Agenda: Interpreting Data & need indentification

We interpreted the interview results and brain strom on the need identification to produce our product well and meet the customers' satisfaction. Meeting was postponed to Thusday night to produce the objective tree.

Date & Time: 7 January 2010 (at any convenience and free time)
Venue: IIUM
Agenda: Interview

Each of our group member was assigned to conduct interviews to 3 IIUM students respectively on Thursday evening, 7 January 2010. We used the questionnaire during the interview sessions to organize the responses from our potential customers about our smart backpack product. Alhamdulillah, we managed to conduct the interviews successfully, with positive responses from the customers.

Some helpful questions that are asked during the interview process are:
  • When was the last time you lost your valuable belongings just because of your carelessness? (How much is it cost you?
  • Besides the price of the backpack, how much more would you pay to make it smart?
  • How do you like the smart backpack inform you about things that you may left behind?
  • What do you like the most about this product?
  • What do you think about the placement of LCD Display on your backpack?